This was one of many ski areas in the area. I was amazed how quiet it was on a Saturday afternoon. Here, the month of January is usually considered low season, as people are generally recovering from the holidays, and apparently it's too cold.
I am happy to report that there's nothing broken, and that I haven't forgotten how to ski downhill. Of course, I'm still nowhere near expert (there were some hairy moments when confronted with some steep slopes... I blame my scaredy-cat tendencies!) but overall I'm decent enough where I can still have fun.
My favorite was at the very top where there was lots of fresh snow and wide open trails.
Wasn't it just a gorgeous day?
This was at Oga, in the Bormio ski area. I rented my ski equipment and got some nice gear at 13 euros for a half day rental. Much nicer stuff than the standard rentalsat Tahoe. We did the pomeridiano, or the afternoon session, and the lift ticket cost us ~19 euro. The prices are higher for the bigger resorts but overall are really not that bad, especially if you have your own skis.
1 comment:
I confirm - some slopes were pretty steep!
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