The day after Christmas is la festa di Santo Stefano or St. Stephen's day. It marks the birth of Jesus and the arrival of the Three Wise Men. We all wished Stefano and his cousin Stefania "auguri" or best wishes. One thing I learned here... when in doubt, say auguri. It fits all occasions including birthdays, Christmas, weddings, baby births, etc.
It is also Stefano's nonna or grandmother's birthday. This year she celebrates a whopping 96. Auguri, nonna!
Here she is with her four nipoti or great-grandchildren.
Yes, more sweets to be eaten for the holiday season. Good thing we did some cross-country skiing this morning. The fresh air was great and I was happy to find out that what little technique I picked up last year is not lost.
The only "happy and excited" kid I can see in the picture is .. not a kid. It's me ! :-)
where is Tattttaaaa ?
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