Instead, we went to see Angie and her team compete in the regional cheer competition at the Santa Clara University stadium nearby. The whole cheer thing was new to me and it was very interesting to watch the girls perform their moves. You could tell that these teams had really spent lots of time and effort into perfecting their routines. There were jumps and flips and pyramids. The amazing thing was there was even a category for girls as young as five years old. It was non-competition, but they were really adorable doing their little routines.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Anti-Black Friday
Instead, we went to see Angie and her team compete in the regional cheer competition at the Santa Clara University stadium nearby. The whole cheer thing was new to me and it was very interesting to watch the girls perform their moves. You could tell that these teams had really spent lots of time and effort into perfecting their routines. There were jumps and flips and pyramids. The amazing thing was there was even a category for girls as young as five years old. It was non-competition, but they were really adorable doing their little routines.
Happy Thanksgiving
And I have lots to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. My family and friends who are dear to my heart, and their good health. My good health. Having found a man who adds lots of joy, love and laughter in my life. These are the things that are important to me.
To celebrate, we got together and cooked up a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. (But first we started the day with a good hike at Rancho San Antonio... fight the calories first, hehe!) Here's Long's masterpiece - roast turkey flavored with lots of his favorite ingredient: bacon.
Our dinner took 1/2 a day to prepare, but it was fun working in the kitchen together. And we were definitely hungry by the time we could finally dig in.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
What's for Dinner
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Federico Gets Baptized
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Tortelli di Zucca
Now, I had to know, what exactly is tortelli, and how is it different from ravioli? Well, according to Stef, tortelli is folded over so there are only 3 exposed sides, while ravioli is cut/exposed on all 4 sides. Oh. There also specific reasons why different fillings are made with different types of pasta. I'll have to research that one day.
So let's get started. Step 1, roast pumpkin pieces in the oven for about 1 hour. Let cool and smash with a fork. Add grana (grated cheese similar to parmagiano reggiano), crushed amaretti cookies and eggs. Mix to form the pumpkin filling.
Step 2, mix flour and eggs and knead to form the pasta dough. Let rest for 1/2 hour before making the tortelli.
Now pull out the pasta machine, or if you're a purist, roll out the dough into thin sheets. Stef was the master of his Imperia pasta machine. His mum and me were put to work forming each tortelli by hand. The important thing is to make sure there are no air bubbles trapped between the filling and the dough, or else they will break apart during cooking. Finally, use a small cutter to trim the edges with a pretty pattern.
Sunday Morning Hike
Another Weekend

The nice thing about this place is that the swimming pool is filled with thermal water that comes from the Cinglaccia spring where it gushes out at a temperature between 37°c and 40°c (98-104 F). We swam laps and then relaxed in the outdoor pools while taking in the beautiful mountain scenery. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
Before heading home, we decided to drive to Livigno, another 20 miles away to fill up the tank. Livigno is a special duty free area where the Italian VAT exempt from all its goods. The reason at the time (in the 1800s) was justified by the difficulty in reaching Livigno during the winter, for up to six months a year, and the century-long history of poverty in the region. The various states, therefore, wanted to make sure people would have an incentive to continue living in the area so that they could still claim it territorially. Even if this is not particularly true now, the roads are good, there's less snow now and the people are not that poor, the duty free tax status continues. Diesel here costs around 0.78 euro/liter, while outside it costs anywhere from 1.20 euro/liter upwards. It is cold though. I took this picture as the sun was setting.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Dolci Sardi: Papassini
Ok, so about the 'secret' ingredients. This recipe is from his grandmother in Sardinia, and he's guarding it like it's National Security. I'm not even supposed to look at the actual recipe, although I did sneak a peek here and there. hehe... Anyway, since I can't spill the beans, I'll just give a rough account what went on.
First, chop the nuts - almonds and walnuts. If you're fanatic, do it by hand. Otherwise, throw them in a food processor.
Mix the flour with eggs, sugar, lard and baking powder to form a dough. Add in chopped nuts, raisins, orange rind, anise, and some other 'secret' ingredients. Lay to rest for a couple hours.
Resume preparations by rolling and cutting out the dough. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Let cool overnight.
Now they are ready for the glace topping. Prepare glace with sugar, water and egg white.
When the consistency is just right, spread on each cookie carefully and sprinkle with silver and multicolor dragees (sprinkles) .
Now allow for the glace topping to dry out. Look at them and wait patiently, wondering when these papassini can finally be eaten!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
More Hunting in the Woods...
Pretty impressive, huh? She's pretty proud of her find. It's hard work too. She spent 2 days hiking with her friend hunting for mushrooms. I'm not sure how they know which ones can be eaten and which ones are not. But I'm told they've been doing this for years.
They tasted pretty good in the tomato sauce with pasta at lunch today.
Chestnuts in the Fall
This happened a couple weekends ago. I was sure I made a post about the castagne, but it's lost! It was chestnut season and the woods next to Stef's home was full of chestnuts that had fallen from the trees. We went out for an hour each on Saturday and Sunday and just picked up a bunch. Two hours and we had about 11kg (~22 lbs) of chestnuts, ready to pass out to our colleagues at work the next day.
What can you do with these chestnuts? We cut slits into each one and roasted them on top of the wood stove in the kitchen. You can also cook it over an open fire using a special pan that has holes in it. Or you can boil them in water. According to his mother, back in the day, it was just chestnuts and water for dinner.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Holiday in Sardinia - Part 1
Ten hours later, I was rubbing my sleepy eyes as we pulled into the port of Olbia. We had arrived. It was 8am in the morning. We stopped to check in at our agriturismo in Luogosanto, and then left to visit the town of Santa Theresa on the north tip of the island.
Catching Up
I haven't posted in ages! I want to blame in on our lack of internet access in Milan, but I can't. We still don't have broadband internet access at home, but that's no excuse. It's been 2 weeks since we got home from Sardinia. This is our second weekend at Stef's family house in Sondrio. Fall has definitely arrived here in the mountains. I wasn't quite prepared last weekend and had to layer up since I didn't really bring any warm clothes.
We had spent part of last weekend doing chores around the house. There was lots to be done since we had been away for 3 weekends and Stef is the 'man of the house' here. His mum had written a list: fix window, clean and install pipe for the woodstove, fix Tata's (the dog) doghouse, pick apples from the trees in the backyard, and cut the grass. I helped some. ;-)
We also visited his sister and two nephews, Luca and baby Federico. Federico is still the cutest little thing. Stef is very proud of him, happily pointing out how Federico has his uncle's blue eyes, ears, shape of his head, and of course he would have his uncle's intelligence too. haha.
We also found time before our big Sunday family lunch to go riding on the bicycle trail that passes through the valley. This is actually a really nice trail, spanning almost 45 kilometers, so that you could go on a 90km bike ride without having the share the road with motorists (except for a couple short sections, I was told). I really enjoyed the beautiful fall weather then.
Which brings us to this Saturday. We woke up this morning to rainy weather, so we're pretty much staying inside all day. I studied some Italian, ate lunch (spaghetti con vongole and fritata con papate) and here I am taking advantage of the broadband internet access.
I just uploaded a picture. Look who's making silly faces while picking apples. It was hard to reach all the apples so he used the 'shaking technique' a.k.a. grab on to the tree and shake it as hard as you can. I was skeptical but it worked!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
In Vacanza
I'll write more and post pictures when we get back. Tomorrow we head to Alghero to see some friends Stefano met at the sailing school in Caprera.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka!
Sometimes I find it hard to motivate myself to write here. It feels like I have alot more to say when I'm writing to someone, an actual person! So I think I'm going to try this... posting excerpts from emails that I've written to friends or family. So if you are reading my blog and realize that it is sounding pretty familiar, then lucky you, the email I wrote to you has been selected for the post of the day! Haha... *cheating*
Today marks 50 years of independence for Malaysia. For the anak-anak Malaysia, how well do you know your sejarah? There is an interesting but somewhat long summary from wikipedia ( ). It's quite a different viewpoint from the way our textbooks are written, just not the way I remembered it while studying it in school. It goes to show how easily even history can suffer from the bias/objectivity of the writer.
Can you tell I have a little bit more free time on my hands these days? Back in Sunnyvale, I would at least take advantage of a quiet period and leave earlier. Here, I'm stuck until Stef is ready to go, which is usually quite late. I suppose I could take the public transport home, but I'm lazy. Yes, it's my own fault!! It's only a bus ride to Famagosta, then a couple underground Metro stops to Porta Genova, then a regular 20 minute train ride to Abbiategrasso where we live. Then probably another 10 minute walk to the house. I know this only in theory, because I can't get my lazy ass to actually do it. Sigh...
Today is also my 9th year anniversary as a loyal and faithful employee of Maxim. Ahhhhh! How did that happen?! 9 years is a long time.
Lastly, today is the last work day before we leave on our 2 week vacation on the island of Sardinia. It should be interesting and fun. I've never spent 2 whole weeks on vacation before (trips back home to Malaysia don't count - it's not the same). We're driving to Genova on Sunday and getting on the ferry with our car for a 10 hour overnight trip to the island. From there it will be beach-hopping and more beach-hopping. Finally we will meet some of Stef's sailing friends who live there.
Ok, my stomach is growling and asking for lunch. Will it be pasta again? (Probably).
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
"Arredamenti Provera"
I took this picture of our living room last weekend. Stef's cousin saw it and his comment was "eh, arredamenti provera...", poor man's furniture! It is true, we have yet to buy a divani (sofa), but you can see those Kartell chairs!! They are the clear chairs in the corner that Stef bought some weeks ago. These are apparently designer chairs and they don't come cheap. Fortunately a friend of his had a relative working at Kartell so he was able to get these for a good price. They look pretty cool but I must say that they are made for people with slim posteriors only. The seat is not very wide...
Monday, August 27, 2007
Monday Blues
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Happy Hour in Milan
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
By Popular Request
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Weekend in Valtellina
We left the house around 9pm and arrived 2 hours later. This was my 3rd visit here. I slept in his sister's room as usual. The next morning after breakfast, we took off for a short hike at Val Poschiaviana. It is high in the mountains where a dam is located. The scenery was pretty cool with the clouds and the glacier visible high up near the peak. The water was a strange color supposedly because it is glacier ice melt. It turned out to be a beautiful day with the sun peeking in and out.
After that Stef craved pastries from Pastecceria Berta in Morbegno, 1/2 hour drive away. The cream puffs there are phenomenal. We picked up a selection for dessert later. And of course a couple to tide us over on the drive home. Yummy.
Now it's lunch time again. Pasta with pesto made with basil from the garden. Will write more later.
What's for Dinner
Friday, August 17, 2007
Ferragosta in Milan
Step 1. Cool off with only the best gelato in town.
Step 2. Seek out the only other people in town. Play tourist and enjoy the beautiful weather.