Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I'm back in the Bay Area for what's looking to be like a couple months. I'm waiting for my Italian work permit to come through . While I'm sad that we're back to the LDR (long distance relationship) thing and having to be apart for the holidays, I'm also making the best of it and relishing my last days in beautiful California.

And I have lots to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. My family and friends who are dear to my heart, and their good health. My good health. Having found a man who adds lots of joy, love and laughter in my life. These are the things that are important to me.

To celebrate, we got together and cooked up a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. (But first we started the day with a good hike at Rancho San Antonio... fight the calories first, hehe!) Here's Long's masterpiece - roast turkey flavored with lots of his favorite ingredient: bacon.

Our dinner took 1/2 a day to prepare, but it was fun working in the kitchen together. And we were definitely hungry by the time we could finally dig in.

Long and Jess try their luck with the wishbone.

Guess who ends up with the larger piece? Hope your wish comes true, Jess!

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