Monday, August 16, 2010

Apple Store in Italy

We stopped by the Apple store in Carugate, just north of Milan, as S had to consult with the Genius Bar. Granted it may be one of the only official Apple stores in northern Italy but who knew it would be so crowded the day after Ferragosto, when the city is supposed to have cleared out? There was even a roped off area for people wanting to acquire the latest iPhone 4.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Rainy Ferragosto

Where's the sunshine?

No thanks to the unseasonably cool and rainy weather up here in northern Italy, we've had to stay indoors instead of going hiking in the mountains. The only consolation? A comforting dish of polenta, meat and potatoes by S's talented mamma.

Hope you are enjoying your Ferragosto.

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